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Dr. Sam Lobell is Board Certified NYC chiropractor who treats patients with a wide range of neuromuskuloskeletal and soft tissue disorders. Dr. Lobell graduated from New York Chiropractic College (NYCC) where he was inducted into the chiropractic honor society. He went on to intern with a chiropractic neurologist during an honors preceptorship in Lindenhurst, NY, and a rotation at the V.A. In Bath NY, where he treated patients with a wide range of conditions. Upon graduating from NYCC Dr. Lobell moved back to NYC and began practicing in midtown Manhattan. He continues to practice and serve his incredible NY community and is grateful to be a part of it! Dr. Lobell went on to further his education by completing various courses so that he may provide the best possible care to his patients. He is certified in Graston Technique, ConnecTX, FMT Performance, RockTape, Webster Technique, DNS, as well as many courses on disc injury rehabilitation. Dr. Lobell uses various modalities in treating his patients, such as diversified hands on adjusting, Cox flexion / distraction technique, SOT blocking, trigger point therapy, and postural rehab / strengthening. When he’s not in the office, Dr. Lobell loves taking his dog for walks around the city and checking out the NYC music and arts scene.

Dr. Sam Lobell is Board Certified NYC chiropractor who treats patients with a wide range of neuro... Read More

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Located at: 244 5th Ave, 6th Flr, New York
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